Welcome - Few Words About Us

Start Your Education with us

Adarsh Paramedical Institute since 2004 has established itself as a premier centre for paramedical courses. Our Institute helped thousands of student to acquire requisite skills in their individual area of working. The institute is continuously consolidating the system and adding innovative curriculum and increasing effectiveness. We not just believe in a formal education, but in an excellent intellectual qualification to develop skilled students and good responsible Indian citizens. Our institute has come to be known as the destination of choice for aspirants who want to work in medical field in Maharashtra.

Our Mission

Adarsh Institute promotes excellence through lifelong learning by providing a high-quality range of learning opportunities to equip students with accredited skills that have recognition and that are relevant to the present and future workplace.

Our Principles

The Safe Educational Environment
Fully-certified Teaching Staff
Dedicated Student Services
Comfortable Residence Living
Perfect Programs for Studying

Our Vision

Central to our educational ethos is our desire to assist students in developing positive attitudes to personal study, high standards and expectations towards fulfilling their potential in their careers and personal development.

Finalize your skill

Being able to identify all the skills you have can open you up to more career options. It can also help you work out if you have any skill or knowledge gaps that can be addressed with further training.



Courses - What We Offer


Duration:1/2/3 yrs
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Duration:3 yrs
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Duration:2 yrs

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Main Features And Benifits


With all necessary equipments and research facilities. Also computer lab with internet facility.


Collection of well stocked reference books and more than 1000 E-books.

Job Placement

Collabration with more than 20 different hospitals and diagnostic laboratories.

Success Story
